Our doctors provide a full range of anesthesia services for patients in the Cleveland, TN area. As with all treatments provided at Ocoee Oral Surgery, anesthesia is delivered with safety and patient comfort being the primary goal. Both doctors have completed full hospital anesthesia rotations, and together have delivered more than 30,000 IV anesthetics. Both doctors are licensed to provide local anesthesia, nitrous oxide (laughing gas), conscious sedation (twilight sleep), and general anesthesia.

Dr.’s Hunter and Paul McCord are also both certified in Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS), and the team’s surgical assistants are Certified Anesthesia Assistants by the American Association of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery. All patient vitals are continuously monitored with electrocardiogram (EKG), pulse oximeter, blood pressure tools, as well as the latest in monitoring, capnography, which tracks respiratory gases. Emergency medicines, equipment, and electronic defibrillator (AED) are also all on site.

Discussing the anesthesia options that are available for each oral surgery is part of the initial evaluation for all patients. The final level of anesthesia provided will be decided after a thorough review of the patient’s medical history and previous anesthesia experiences.

Types of Anesthesia for Oral Surgery

Essentially every oral surgery procedure requires some type of anesthesia, whether it is a simple wisdom teeth removal surgery or something more procedurally complex like bone grafting. The use of anesthesia allows our oral surgery team to minimize pain and discomfort associated with these procedures while also successfully staving off any anxiety that a patient may have about being treated. That said, there are varying types of anesthesia administered, depending on the procedure at hand, as well as the patient’s preferences and health history.

Oral Surgery Anesthesia Options

  1. Local Anesthetic– A local anesthetic allows the patient to remain conscious during the procedure being performed. If you’ve ever had a cavity filled, the odds are, a local anesthetic was administered.
  2. Nitrous Oxide + Local Anesthetic– This approach involves the use of nitrous oxide, often referred to as “laughing gas,” to encourage the patient to relax before the procedure or surgery.
  3. IV Anesthesia– Intravenous anesthesia causes sedation and decreases anxiety during all types of oral surgery. This is the most common method used in our office and is used for all types of procedures including wisdom teeth removal and dental implant placement, as well as other invasive procedures.

Our team at Ocoee Oral Surgery is happy to discuss with you all your options for anesthesia, and your oral surgeon will make recommendations for you based on what procedure you’re having done and what your medical history will safely allow. No matter what, you’re in good hands with our team, and we will do everything we can to ensure you’re as comfortable and confident as possible going into your oral surgery.