Tag Archives: Ocoee Oral Surgery

Stress and Oral Health

Stress and oral health are more closely linked than you may have thought. We all experience stress to a degree, and we all know the toll that stress can take on our minds and bodies. But did you know that stress can have some serious consequences for your teeth and gums?

Stress and oral health are more closely linked than you may have thought. We all experience stress to a degree, and we all know the toll that stress can take on our minds and bodies. But did you know that stress can have some serious consequences for your teeth and gums?

Stress and oral health are more closely linked than you may have thought. We all experience stress to a degree, and we all know the toll that stress can take on our minds and bodies. But did you know that stress can have some serious consequences for your teeth and gums? It’s important to care for your teeth and gums not only by brushing and flossing and seeing your dentist regularly, but also by managing your stress so you can avoid the slew of oral health issues that can arise from stress left to run amok.

Teeth Grinding

One common symptom of stress is teeth clenching and grinding. Particularly common at night, sometimes individuals dealing with stress will clench their teeth together during sleep or grind back and forth. Teeth grinding, also referred to as Bruxism, can have some serious consequences if left untreated including: headaches, jaw pain, TMJ disorder, broken or chipped teeth, abnormal wear of the teeth, and even sleep disorders. Teeth grinding can be countered through the use of a nightguard which serves to protect your teeth while you sleep. Managing your stress is also imperative, to tackle the problem at its root.

Canker Sores

Although the exact cause of canker sores has yet to be determined, it is believed that they are linked to stress and anxiety. For many patients, canker sores tend to surface during times of high stress.

TMJ Disorder

Stress and anxiety have also been linked to Temporomandibular Joint Disorder or TMJ. The reason for this is that stressful situations can trigger the overuse of jaw muscles and can also cause you to grind and clench your teeth. There are several treatment options for TMJ that our oral surgeons at Ocoee Oral Surgery can suggest, but symptoms also tend to diminish when a patient’s stress is adequately managed.

Stress and Oral Health

Neglecting Oral Hygiene

Sometimes severe stress can cause people to neglect their regular self-care practices, and this can include oral hygiene. Sometimes when we get extremely stressed out, we suffer from poor sleep which can make it harder to complete even the easiest of tasks like brushing and flossing. Stress can also affect our food choices, and gravitating toward less nutritious, sugary foods can also take its toll on our oral health over time.

What to do?

If you worry that stress is adversely affecting your oral health, it’s time to make a plan about how to combat the symptoms. Take time to figure out what in your life is causing your stress, and find ways to minimize the effects. You can also work with your regular dentist and our team at Ocoee Oral Surgery to identify ways you can be proactive about prioritizing your oral health through stress management and other treatments. We’re here to help.

Best Foods for Dental Health

Best Foods for Dental Health

Best Foods for Dental Health

We all know it’s important to take care of our teeth and gums with brushing, flossing, and regular dental visits, but did you also know that there are some foods that you can eat to lead to a healthier mouth? The food you consume has the power to affect your wellness in many ways, and the mouth is the first step in your body breaking down and absorbing nutrients in food. Foods you put into your mouth can prompt the bacteria in your mouth to grow and multiply, and that in turn can lead to the formation of plaque, tooth decay, and even gum disease. On the other hand, there are other foods you can choose that help combat these bacteria, while also strengthening your enamel, slowing plaque production, and maybe even helping to prevent gum disease. Here are a few of the best foods for dental health.

Leafy Greens

Kale, spinach, and other leafy greens are rich in vitamins and nutrients that benefit your entire body, but namely your mouth. These green vegetables contain active compounds that are found in plants called phytochemicals, which help to prevent the growth of harmful bacteria. These leafy greens are also high in fiber, which requires more chewing to break these foods down in your mouth. This chewing increases the production of saliva, which helps to reduce bacteria, and other harmful acids and enzymes.

Almonds & Other Nuts

A great source of calcium, almonds and other nuts also require a lot of chewing, which stimulates that helpful production of saliva. These nuts are also a good source of healthy fats, and they can boost calcium intake for people who are lactose intolerant.

Best Foods for Dental Health


Both black and green tea varieties contain polyphenols, which are natural compounds found in many plants. They work to fight and prevent the production of bacteria, again helping to combat the production of plaque in the mouth. Less plaque means less cavities, and all-around healthier gums and teeth! Drinking tea also has many other health benefits, and different types are great for different purposes. Learn more about the benefits of tea in a study by Penn Medicine.


Drinking water has fluoride in it, which is a key part of maintaining healthy teeth and gums. Fluoride strengthens teeth and protects them from acids in the mouth as well as decay. Also, reaching for water to satisfy thirst means you’re foregoing sugary drinks which can, of course, have an adverse effect on dental health. The sugar in many sodas and juices can lead to the production of acids in the mouth, and eventually cavities and tooth decay.

Milk, Cheese, and Yogurt

Dairy products like milk, cheese, and yogurt, are rich in calcium which helps fortify strong bones and teeth. These foods also assist in the production of saliva, which works wonders in the mouth, fighting bacteria and neutralizing harmful acids. These dairy items also contain helpful probiotics which aid in a healthy digestive system. Seek out dairy items that are low in sugar for the best results on dental health.

When you do everything you can to promote your own oral health, including eating foods that aid in the process, you can rest assured that any necessary dental procedures or oral surgeries will likely go more smoothly. So reach for those best foods for dental health, and if you are in need of any oral surgeries, our team at Ocoee Oral Surgery would love to help ensure you get the best possible care and outcome. Contact us today for a consultation or to discuss any needs you have.

Chattanooga Tooth Extraction FAQ

Chattanooga Tooth Extraction consultation

Chattanooga Tooth Extraction consultationEven though our teeth are strong and intended to last a lifetime, there are factors that can make tooth loss necessary. Some reasons that can result in necessary tooth extraction are an overcrowded mouth, an infection, or severe gum disease. If you do find yourself looking for help with a Chattanooga tooth extraction, our team at Ocoee Oral Surgery can assist. In the meantime, here are some frequently asked questions about tooth extraction you may find helpful.

Q: Is a tooth extraction painful?
A: Generally speaking, sedation techniques are used with tooth extraction to ensure patient comfort during the procedure. Talk with your oral surgeon about your specific scenario to figure out what makes most sense for you.

Q: What is the recovery period like after a tooth extraction?
A: After your tooth extraction, your oral surgery team will send you home with detailed instructions to follow during your recovery.

Q: What conditions could result in a necessary tooth extraction?
A: Things like overcrowding, impacted teeth, dental decay, and infection could result in a necessary tooth extraction. Your oral surgeon will assess your situation, and make recommendations for the best course of treatment.

Q: What will a tooth extraction procedure involve?
A: Each patient and situation is different, and will depend on the severity of the dental problem at hand. Simple extractions often involve a local anesthetic, and pulling of the affected tooth. More complicated extractions can require sedation, surgical extraction, and stitches. Your oral surgeon will discuss the particulars of your extraction with you to ensure you understand, and that no questions go unanswered.

Q: What can you expect after a tooth extraction procedure?
A: It is normal to feel some discomfort after the anesthesia wears off from your tooth extraction. You may also experience some swelling or residual bleeding for about 24 hours after the procedure. You can take pain relievers as needed, use ice packs to reduce swelling, and gently rinse your mouth with salt water to encourage healing.

Q: What is “dry socket,” and how do you avoid it?
A: Dry socket is a painful condition that can occur after a tooth extraction. After your tooth extraction, a blood clot will form in the gum area where the tooth was. The blood clot is critical in the healing process, so it is important to be careful to preserve it. A broken or dislodged blood clot can cause complications like dry socket, as well as pain.

Q: How can I tell if I have dry socket?
A: You can identify dry sockets through several tell tale signs. If you can see bone where your tooth used to be, you are probably experiencing dry socket. Another symptom is a throbbing pain in the jaw area that may also spread from the tooth extraction site up to the ear, eye, temple, or neck area. Other signs include bad breath, and a lingering, unpleasant taste in the mouth. If you’re experiencing these symptoms, you should contact your dentist or oral surgeon right away.

Q: How much does a tooth extraction cost?
A: Again, pricing for tooth extraction will depend on the specifics of the procedure needed. Your oral surgery team at Ocoee will break down pricing for your tooth extraction procedure and answer any questions you may have about cost, billing, and insurance.

Q: What do I do after my tooth extraction?
A: Sometimes unfilled gaps in your teeth can lead to other problems as surrounding teeth shift. Your dentist or oral surgeon may suggest filling spaces with veneers, bridges, or dental implants to avoid further problems.

If you have any other questions or concerns, or need to set up a consultation to discuss a Chattanooga tooth extraction need, contact our team at Ocoee Oral Surgery. We’d be happy to help however we can.

Recovering from Oral Surgery–Do’s and Don’ts

Do eat soft foods while recovering from oral surgery

While recovering from oral surgery, there are some simple things you can do to minimize discomfort and help your mouth heal more quickly. Avoid infection, and speed up your recovery with these do’s and don’ts in mind!

Let’s Start with the Do’s

Do eat soft foods while recovering from oral surgery

DO Get Plenty of Rest– Be sure to block off some time to take it easy at home after having your oral surgery. Your body can heal faster when you give it the best footing to do so! Also, keep your head propped up as much as you can to help reduce swelling and bleeding post surgery.

DO Take Prescribed Antibiotics– The last thing you want to deal with after your oral surgery is an infection. If your oral surgeon prescribed an antibiotic, be sure you take it as directed and finish the medication.

DO Use Ice Packs– Minimize swelling by applying ice packs to your face. Usually on 15 minutes, off 15 minutes does the trick.

DO Eat Soft Foods– You’ll want to adhere to a liquid or soft food diet for several days after your oral surgery. Think soup, smoothies (though you’ll want to skip the straw), mashed potatoes, and yogurt.

DO Take Cleanliness Seriously– About 24 hours after your oral surgery, rinse your mouth gently with warm salt water at least four times daily, and after each meal and snack. Make sure to wash away all bits of food around the surgery area. Your Ocoee Oral Surgery team will give you advice on how to do this properly.

DO Brush Your Teeth Gently– Don’t brush or floss teeth in the surgical area, but you will want to continue brushing and flossing the rest of your teeth. Just take an extra gentle approach to this as you’re healing.

DO Eat Healthy Foods– Vitamins A and C are important for the healing process. Be sure to eat foods like eggs, carrots, and sweet potatoes to help boost your body’s natural healing powers.

Gargling warm salt water helps heal the gums when recovering from oral surgery.

Now for the Don’ts

DON’T Over Do It!– Just to reiterate, rest is critical after any surgery, and oral surgery is no exception. Be sure you don’t overexert yourself post op. You’ll also want to avoid exercise for a few days after your surgery, as increased blood flow can cause blood clots in the mouth to become dislodged, inhibiting healing.

DON’T Eat Hot Foods– In the time directly after your oral surgery, your mouth will be numb. This numbness wears off at different rates for everyone, but the last thing you want to do is burn your mouth that’s already been through a great deal.

DON’T Smoke or Drink Alcohol– Just don’t do it, okay? Smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages can interrupt the healing process. Let your body do its thing without roadblocks.

DON’T Eat Hard/Crunchy Foods– For about 6 weeks post oral surgery, you’ll want to avoid overly hard or crunchy foods. Give your mouth adequate time to fully heal before reintroducing these foods into your diet.

If you follow these do’s and don’ts after your oral surgery, you should have a smooth and speedy recovery. Of course, don’t hesitate to reach out to our office staff at Ocoee with any questions or concerns, and be sure to contact us if you have a fever that lasts more than 24 hours post surgery, experience throbbing pain that doesn’t subside with medication, or have excessive bleeding. We’ll take great care of you!

Benefits of Dental Implants

Dental implants look like natural teeth and restore full functionality.

Dental implants look like natural teeth and restore full functionality.

Of course we all hope we never need dental implants, but if you find yourself in a situation where you do, our team is here to explain the process, as well as the benefits of going with dental implants. Some reasons you may end up needing one include having lackluster dental hygiene and limited preventative care, or other reasons like lifestyle, smoking or unhealthy diet, or a traumatic event. All that said, if tooth loss is affecting your quality of life, dental implants are a great treatment choice, and their benefits are as follows.

Natural Look

One great thing about dental implants is they are aesthetically pleasing. This is a great option cosmetically, because dental implants are expertly fashioned to look just like natural teeth. Having a healthy smile is paramount, but we think loving your smile is extremely important too. We want you to enjoy a tooth loss solution that, in addition to being pragmatic, also enhances your smile and the way you feel about yourself.

Restore Chewing Power

On top of looking like natural teeth, dental implants also behave like them. This means that when you opt for an implant, your oral surgeon will help restore full chewing power. After getting your dental implant, you’ll be able to eat normally, and brush and floss your teeth normally as well.

Prevent Bone Loss

Dental implants also serve patients in the area of preventing bone loss. The jaw bone begins to deteriorate more quickly in areas where no tooth is present as a result of the lack of stimulation. If no implant is placed where a patient has suffered tooth loss, that bone area loses approximately 25% of its volume within the first year, and that bone loss only continues with time. But the dental implant not only restores chewing and functionality, but also provides necessary stimulation necessary for bone growth.

Dental implants are also an aesthetically pleasing fix for tooth loss.

Prevent Premature Facial Aging

As we grow older, the lower third of the face begins to collapse, gradually shortening the distance between the tip of the nose and the chin. This facial sagging that accompanies aging can be accelerated by tooth loss and consequently bone loss. These changes include excess and premature formation of wrinkles around the mouth, thinning lips, and a more pointed appearance of the chin. This process can make a patient with bone loss look a lot older than he or she really is, but dental implants can help mitigate these issues.

If you have any questions about tooth loss treatments or dental implant procedures, our team would love to help answer them. Contact us anytime with questions or to schedule a consultation with one of our oral surgeons. We’re here here to preserve your smile!