Tag Archives: oral surgery

How to Choose the Right Chattanooga Oral Surgeon

How to Choose the Right Chattanooga Oral Surgeon

If you find yourself in need of an oral surgery, you may wonder how best to proceed finding the right Chattanooga oral surgeon for you. There are many to choose from, and when it comes to oral surgery procedures, you want to know you’re in great hands. So here are some tips on how to choose the right Chattanooga oral surgeon for you.

1– Get a Referral

Talk to your regular dentist about a recommendation, particularly if your dentist is someone you trust. Your dentist will be a great resource for finding the right Chattanooga oral surgeon for you, and for your specific need.

2– Seek Out Testimonials

Odds are, you’ve got family and friends in the area who have had previous oral surgery experiences. Why not take the time to ask them about who they used and how things went? This is also a great way to find a little peace of mind before your surgery date arrives. Alternatively, online reviews can be a great way to crowdsource the opinion or experience of previous patients.

3– Experience

Of course, you’ll want to find an oral surgeon who has years and years of demonstrated experience and success with many patients. You may even want to seek out someone who specializes in the specific surgery type you need so you can feel even more confident that you’ll have great results.

How to Choose the Right Chattanooga Oral Surgeon

4– Practice Information

Take time to look into the oral surgery practice you choose as a whole. Read reviews, and figure out if the team is one you’d like to work with. You’ll be dealing with a receptionist, oral surgery techs, and maybe other office staff too, in addition to the oral surgeon. You’ll want to make sure the entire team is doing a great job to support patients however they can to help ensure a smooth experience for you.

5– Insurance/Payment Plans

You’ll also want to look into the nature of the oral surgery you need as it relates to your personal insurance coverage. As you settle on a Chattanooga oral surgeon and practice, make sure they accept your insurance, and work with staff members to figure out what payments you’ll be expected to make and when. Sorting this out prior to your surgery date will also give you some peace of mind.

If you’re currently looking for a Chattanooga oral surgeon, consider our team at Ocoee Oral Surgery. Our two oral surgeons, Paul and Hunter McCord, are both seasoned doctors with vast experience and a capable support staff backing them as they care for patients. Contact us today to set up a consultation to discuss your oral surgery needs.

Chattanooga Dental Implants– FAQs Answered

Dental Implants Chattanooga

Dental Implants Chattanooga

Dental implants are a perfect option for some dental patients who have experienced tooth loss. This treatment option features many benefits ranging from cosmetic to functional, and our team at Ocoee Oral Surgery specializes in helping patients navigate the issue of tooth loss while restoring their beautiful smiles and preventing further problems such as bone loss. Below are some FAQs about dental implants that we hope will be helpful if you’re considering this type of treatment for yourself or a family member.

Q: What are dental implants?

A: Dental implants are prosthetic tooth replacements. Essentially, they are small titanium posts or fixtures that are inserted into the jawbone on top of which a single crown, fixed bridge, partial denture, or full denture can be attached. Once the implant integrates into the jaw bone, a structure called an abutment is connected to the implant, and the artificial tooth is then attached. The tooth replacement is actually made up of three parts– the dental implant itself, the abutment, and the artificial tooth.

Q: Who is a prime candidate for dental implants?

A: Most people with healthy gums whose jaws have stopped growing are good candidates for dental implant procedures. If you are considering dental implants to replace a missing tooth or multiple missing teeth, you’ll need to let your Chattanooga oral surgeon thoroughly examine your mouth. We can handle this at Ocoee Oral Surgery, and if you are not an ideal candidate, there are other options we can discuss such as bone grafting.

Q: How much do dental implants cost?

A: No two dental implant patients are alike, and therefore neither are their procedures. The dental implant treatment is customized to each patient, and that has an impact on cost. Schedule a consultation with our team at Ocoee Oral Surgery to discuss what the treatment would look like for you, and we can discuss cost as well.

Q: Does dental insurance help cover the cost of dental implants?

A: This will depend on your personal insurance plan and coverage, but again, our helpful staff at Ocoee can help you determine cost for dental implants, insurance coverage, and payment options.

Q: Are dental implants safe?

A: Dental implants have been used for half a century, and are safe and effective for treating tooth loss. Just like with any medical procedure, there can be complications. That’s why it’s important to work with an experienced oral surgeon like the ones at Ocoee Oral Surgery, so they can help ensure the success of your procedure.

Dental implants Chattanooga

Q: What are some benefits of dental implants?

A: Dental implants can last a lifetime, and can work wonders in restoring your smile to its former glory. In addition to that, dental implants also restore full chewing capabilities, so you can enjoy the foods you like and live your life without worrying about your teeth. They can also help patients improve confidence and find a love for their beautiful, new smiles.

Q: What are the disadvantages of dental implants?

A: Just like with any other oral surgery, dental implant procedures do come with a risk of infection, inflammation, and pain. That said, your oral surgeon will discuss with you how to manage these potential risks in the most effective way for you. Dental implants are also a big investment, but one that will pay off in the long run.

Q: Are dental implants removable?

A: No. Dental implants are fixed completely to the bone just like your real teeth, allowing for a look and feel that is very much like natural teeth.

Q: How long does the process of getting dental implants take?

A: Again, each patient is different. After completing the necessary consultations, your oral surgeon can provide a more detailed timeline and game plan for your specific procedure. Total treatment time will depend on your needs, your dental and medical history, the health of the supporting jaw bone, and the techniques and materials used by your surgeon. It can take as little as a few months, and sometimes closer to a year or more for more complicated situations.

Q: How do I care for my dental implants?

A: You care for your dental implants just as you care for your natural teeth. You should brush, floss, and rinse them normally. You’ll also need to visit your dentist regularly for routine cleanings and exams. When you take great care of them, your dental implants can last for decades.

Q: Where can I get dental implants?

A: You can get your Chattanooga dental implant treatment right here at Ocoee Oral Surgery. Our dedicated and experienced staff is versed in providing this particular treatment to patients who have experienced tooth loss, and we’re here to answer any questions you have along the way.

To learn more about the benefits of dental implants, check out our blog, and our dental implants offerings page as well. Contact our team today to schedule a consultation.

Wisdom Teeth Removal– When Is It Time?

When it comes to wisdom teeth removal, there are some things to consider before scheduling your oral surgery.

When it comes to wisdom teeth removal, there are some things to consider before scheduling your oral surgery.

When it comes to wisdom teeth removal, there’s a lot of information floating around out in the world. It can be hard to know what is accurate, or how that information applies to you or your child, and what is most appropriate when in regard to wisdom teeth. Our staff at Ocoee Oral Surgery is here to help answer any questions you might have pertaining to wisdom teeth removal or oral surgery, but in the meantime, here are some things to consider.

  1. CHECK IN. Between ages 16 and 19, have your dentist check the status of your wisdom teeth. How many do you have? Are they growing in? Are they impacted? Are they causing any pain or movement for other teeth?
  2. PAIN ASSESSMENT. If your wisdom teeth are causing you any pain, you’ll definitely want to see an oral surgeon to discuss wisdom teeth removal.
  3. CROWDING TEETH. If your wisdom teeth begin to erupt they can cause movement for the other teeth in your mouth, particularly if you have a small mouth and there isn’t ample room for them to come in smoothly. This can be problematic for obvious reasons, especially if you’ve spent time and resources with any orthodontic procedures to straighten the teeth.
  4. OVER 30? If you’re over the age of 30, and you’ve never had any issues with your wisdom teeth, you may be in the clear.

You may need to schedule your wisdom teeth removal to address issues like pain, crowding, and to prevent possible infection with impacted wisdom teeth.

If you are going to get your wisdom teeth extracted, you likely have a lot of questions and things to consider before you schedule your oral surgery. Below are a few FAQs about wisdom teeth and wisdom teeth removal you may find helpful.

Q: When is the best time to have wisdom teeth removed?

A: Lots of dentists and oral surgeons agree that it’s best to have wisdom teeth removed before the age of 20. The reasoning behind this is two fold. For one thing, when you’re younger, you tend to heal faster and have less complications with surgeries. For another, when you’re young the roots and bones of your teeth are softer and not fully formed making for an easier extraction.

Q: What causes problems with wisdom teeth?

A: Wisdom teeth can be problematic for many reasons. Your mouth may not have enough room to accommodate these extra teeth, and they may become impacted or unable to break through the gums. Impacted wisdom teeth can create painful, swollen pockets in the gums and even lead to infection.

Wisdom teeth that do fully erupt can cause issues with crowding, and are often susceptible to cavities or gum disease to surrounding gum tissue because they can be hard to adequately clean.

Q: What are the risks of undergoing a wisdom teeth removal procedure?

A: After having your wisdom teeth removed, you may experience discomfort, pain and swelling in the gums, excessive bleeding, slow healing gums, or dry socket, which occurs when the blood clot that protects the tooth socket becomes dislodged too soon.

You may also run into issues with jaw function, damage to other teeth or dental work, like crowns or bridges, existing near the extraction area. That said, all these issues are uncommon, and it is much more likely that you’ll have a complication-free oral surgery.

Q: Will I be sedated or under anesthesia for the wisdom teeth removal procedure?

A: The patient having wisdom teeth removed will be provided with a local anesthetic to numb the affected area. Some scenarios lend themselves well to other options for anesthesia, based on patient needs and recommendations of the surgeon. Your oral surgeon at Ocoee Oral Surgery will discuss options with you prior to your surgery.

Q: How long does it take to recover from wisdom teeth removal?

A: Recovery after wisdom teeth removal can take up to two weeks. During that period of time you may experience some minor pain and discomfort as well as swelling, but these symptoms will improve day by day. Be sure to closely follow post-op instructions provided by your oral surgeon for the best results and smoothest recovery.

If you have any additional questions or concerns, or you’re ready to schedule your surgery, contact our team at Ocoee Oral Surgery. We’ll take great care of you.

Scared of the Dentist? Consider Sedation Dentistry in Chattanooga TN

If you're super stressed about dental visits, sedation dentistry in Chattanooga TN could be the solution.

If you're super stressed about dental visits, sedation dentistry in Chattanooga TN could be the solution.

Do you have anxiety associated with going to the dentist? Maybe you’ve had a bad experience or for whatever reason, you deal with intense stress about dental visits that prompts you to delay, avoid, or just skip them altogether. Well, avoiding necessary dental procedures or even just regular preventative care can lead to even worse dental issues. If left untreated, many dental problems only end up requiring more invasive care to remedy. So what’s the solution? Sedation dentistry and IV anesthesia offer solutions in certain situations for patients with severe anxiety surrounding dental work.

Keep calm and carry on with healthy teeth!

At our Chattanooga TN oral surgery center, we often use nitrous oxide (laughing gas) and IV anesthesia when performing our oral and maxillofacial surgeries. Ensuring our patients are comfortable and as relaxed as possible is extremely important to our team. Our oral surgeons provide a full range of anesthesia services safely, with the comfort of their patients always the primary goal. Our surgeons have completed full hospital anesthesia rotations, and together have delivered more than 30k IV anesthetics to satisfied patients in their care.

Both oral surgeons at Ocoee Oral Surgery are licensed to provide:

Local anesthesia
Nitrous oxide
Conscious sedation (or twilight sleep)
General anesthesia

Sedation dentistry in Chattanooga TN can help ease the anxiety associated with oral surgery and dental procedures.

IV Sedation– What is it?

When you have a consultation at Ocoee Oral Surgery about having a procedure done, your doctor will discuss options for anesthesia with you. Using an intravenous anesthesia involves administering the sedative through an IV. With this option, the patient will be sedated but still conscious.

Is there any pain with sedation dentistry?

No. You will not feel pain with sedation dentistry, as a combination of sedation and anesthetics keep you relaxed and pain-free throughout your oral surgery procedure. In fact, many patients leave without any clear memory of their treatment after again becoming fully conscious. It is not uncommon, however, for patients to feel drowsy for several hours after the procedure, and should not drive or operate heavy machinery.

IV Sedation vs General Anesthesia

General anesthesia involves administering the sedative via IV, and the patient is unconscious for the oral surgery procedure. With this option, the patient remains unconscious throughout the procedure while breathing, heart rate, blood pressure, and blood oxygen levels are monitored for safety. This option is generally recommended for more invasive procedures, or sometimes for individuals with severe anxiety regarding the surgery.

Which is right for you?

Your oral surgeon will discuss your options for anesthesia with you in detail, and make recommendations for you based on the dental work or oral surgery procedure you need to have performed, your medical history, and comfort level. No matter what, our team is here to support you and help guide you to the choice that makes most sense for you specifically.

If you need to schedule an appointment with one of our Chattanooga oral surgeons, reach out to us today. We’d love to take care of you.

Healthy Gums to Prevent Gum Disease & Tooth Loss

Healthy gums and good oral hygiene can help reduce your chances of needing a Chattanooga oral surgeon!

Maintaining healthy gums means you are less at risk for needing oral surgery in the future.

When you practice good oral hygiene, you are putting in good work that will reduce your chances for dental problems in the future. Preventative care is everything! We all know how important it is to practice proper teeth brushing with regularity, but all too often people neglect to take adequate care of their gums. Each individual element of your oral health relies on that of the others, working hand in hand– meaning healthy teeth require healthy gums.

When you don’t take good care of your gums, you run the risk of getting gum disease which can lead to tooth loss. When your neglected gums become sore, swollen, or even infected, this is referred to as gingivitis. When gum issues are left unaddressed, they can progress and become periodontitis– a common infection that damages the soft tissues and even the bone surrounding nearby teeth. Untreated, periodontitis will end in tooth loss, and expensive/invasive treatments from your Chattanooga oral surgeon.

When you know and understand all the risks associated with poor oral hygiene, you’ll be inspired to take brushing, flossing, and routine dental cleanings and exams more seriously. Prioritizing these things can result in greater oral healthy and oral health overall.

Healthy gums and good oral hygiene can help reduce your chances of needing a Chattanooga oral surgeon!

How to Maintain Healthy Gums:

  • Brush your teeth properly and at least twice per day! Find ADA tips on how to give this your best effort here.
  • Work with your dentist or oral surgeon to find the best toothpaste for you.
  • Floss your teeth daily.
  • Be sure to rinse your mouth thoroughly when you brush and floss, and even after meals when doable.
  • Use mouthwash to help kill harmful bacteria.
  • Avoid smoking and using other tobacco products.
  • Schedule and attend regular dental cleanings and exams.
  • Work with your dentist and oral surgeon to quickly address issues that arise so they don’t result in further problems or complications.

Oral Health and Overall Health are Linked

Did you know that your mouth and oral health can offer up clues about how healthy you are overall? Furthermore, oral health problems can actually affect the rest of your body as well. Of course the mouth is brimming with bacteria of many types, most of which are not harmful, but some of which can be. As your mouth is the point of entry for both the respiratory and digestive tracts, some of these more harmful bacteria can cause illness or disease.

Studies suggest that oral bacteria and the inflammation that comes with gum disease might play a role in some diseases including endocarditis, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, HIV/AIDS, osteoporosis, Alzheimer’s disease, and even pregnancy and childbirth.

If you do have oral health issues that have arisen from poor gum health, our team at Ocoee Oral can help. If you need treatment for bone or tooth loss, dental implants, or other oral surgeries, call on our expert Chattanooga oral surgeons. Contact us today. We would love to help get you back on track for great oral health and overall health as well.